Read before Choosing betta fish tankmate: Best Fishes to Choose!

Choosing the right tankmates for a Betta fish is crucial to ensure a harmonious and stress-free aquarium environment. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their aggression, so it’s essential to select tankmates that are compatible with their temperament. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best tankmates for a Betta fish to have a good betta fish tankmates:

Adequate Space:

Ensure that your aquarium is of sufficient size to accommodate both the Betta and its tankmates. Overcrowding can lead to stress and aggression.

A general guideline is at least a 10-gallon tank for a Betta with tankmates. Larger tanks are even better, as they provide more swimming space and territories.

Hiding Places:

Incorporate plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers in the aquarium to allow fish to establish territories and retreat when needed.

Live or artificial plants, caves, and decorations can serve as hiding places, helping to reduce stress for both the Betta and its tankmates.

Tankmates to Avoid:

Avoid fish with long fins or bright colors that might trigger the Betta’s aggressive behavior. This includes other Betta fish, guppies, and male gouramis.

Steer clear of fin-nipping species, such as some barbs and tetras, as they may harass the Betta.

Fast-swimming species might stress out the Betta, so it’s best to choose calm and slow-moving tankmates.

Compatible Tankmates:

Consider peaceful community fish that inhabit different levels of the aquarium to minimize competition for territory. Examples include small schooling fish like rasboras, peaceful catfish like Corydoras, or non-aggressive gouramis.

Shrimp, snails, and certain types of small, peaceful fish like endlers or platies can also be suitable tankmates.

Research the specific needs and temperaments of potential tankmates to ensure compatibility with Betta fish.


Keep a close eye on the interactions between the Betta and its tankmates during the initial introduction. If aggression is observed, it may be necessary to reevaluate the tankmates or provide more hiding spaces.

Remember that individual Betta fish can have varying degrees of aggression, so it’s essential to monitor their behaviour and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, maintaining good water quality, proper filtration, and a balanced diet for all fish in the aquarium contribute to a healthy and thriving community tank.

Here are the 30 best Tankmate for Betta Fish to choose:

Alright, buckle up, because we’re about to turn your Betta’s solo pad into a bustling underwater community extravaganza! Choosing the right tankmates for your Betta fish is like casting characters for the aquatic version of a blockbuster movie. Let’s roll out the fin-tastic lineup:

1- Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras betta fish tankmates
Neon Tetras betta fish tankmates

Neon Tetras are like the aquatic party lights of your tank. Their vibrant colors and schooling behavior make them excellent companions for bettas. Just imagine your betta leading a parade of neon colors—pure underwater magic!

2- Ghost Shrimp

Ghost Shrimp betta fish tankmates
Ghost Shrimp betta fish tankmates

Don’t worry; these ghostly companions won’t haunt your betta. Ghost shrimp are excellent tank mates, adding a touch of the exotic to your aquatic community. Plus, they’re like the underwater cleanup crew, helping keep things spick and span.

3- Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras  betta fish tankmates
Harlequin Rasboras betta fish tankmates

Meet the jesters of the tank! Harlequin Rasboras are lively, playful fish that get along swimmingly with bettas. Their orange and black patterns will create a stunning contrast in your tank, turning it into a lively aquatic carnival.

4- Corydoras Catfish

_Corydoras Catfish betta fish tankmates
_Corydoras Catfish betta fish tankmates

The bottom dwellers of the aquatic world, Corydoras Catfish, are the cleanup crew that doesn’t mess around. These little armored warriors will keep the tank floor spotless, and their playful antics will keep you entertained for hours.

5- Snails (Nerite Snails)

Snails (Nerite Snails) betta fish tankmates
Snails (Nerite Snails) betta fish tankmates

Enter the knights in shining armor! Nerite snails are the unsung heroes of aquariums, defending against algae invaders and adding a touch of elegance to your underwater realm. Your betta will surely appreciate these little armor-plated comrades.

6- Guppies

Guppies betta fish tankmates
Guppies betta fish tankmates

Guppies are the social butterflies of the aquarium world. Their dazzling colors and lively personalities make them perfect companions for your betta. Just make sure your betta doesn’t get jealous of their flashy tails!

7- Panda Corydoras

Panda Corydoras betta fish tankmates
Panda Corydoras betta fish tankmates

These adorable panda-faced catfish bring a touch of the Orient to your tank. Panda Corydoras are peaceful, charming, and get along famously with bettas. It’s like having a cute, aquatic version of Kung Fu Panda in your underwater dojo.

8- Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus Catfish betta fish tankmates
Otocinclus Catfish betta fish tankmates

Meet the underwater gardeners! Otocinclus catfish are like tiny landscapers, keeping your tank plants trim and tidy. They’re peaceful, diligent workers who won’t disturb the harmony of your aquatic kingdom.

9- Betta Sorority (Female Bettas)

Betta Sorority (Female Bettas)
Betta Sorority (Female Bettas)

Who says bettas can’t get along? Female bettas, when introduced in groups (a sorority), create a sorority sisterhood that’s a sight to behold. Just make sure you have enough space and hiding spots to avoid any underwater drama.

10- Endler’s Livebearers

_Endler's Livebearers
_Endler’s Livebearers

Endler’s Livebearers are like the betta’s cool, laid-back cousins. Their small size, vibrant colors, and peaceful nature make them ideal tank mates. It’s like adding a dash of tropical flair to your underwater paradise.

11- Dwarf Gouramis

Dwarf Gouramis tankmate
Dwarf Gouramis tankmate

The pint-sized warriors of the tank, Dwarf Gouramis, are vibrant, peaceful, and pack a punch of personality. Their colorful presence complements your betta’s regal charm, creating a dynamic duo that rules the aquatic kingdom.

12- Platies

Platies tankmates
Platies tankmates

With their colorful fins and easy-going nature, platies are the socialites of the aquarium. They’re like the party guests who bring a burst of energy and color to your aquatic gathering, making your betta’s underwater world the talk of the town.

13- Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli Loaches tankmate
Kuhli Loaches tankmate

Meet the undercover agents of your tank! Kuhli loaches are like stealthy ninjas, slithering through the substrate and adding an element of mystery to your aquarium. Your betta will appreciate the enigmatic companionship.

14- Mollies


Mollies are the social chameleons of the aquarium, adapting effortlessly to different tank conditions. Their diverse colors and peaceful demeanor make them fantastic companions for bettas, adding a touch of diversity to your underwater realm.

15- Rasbora Heteromorpha (Harlequin Rasbora)

Rasbora Heteromorpha (Harlequin Rasbora) best betta fish tankmate
Rasbora Heteromorpha (Harlequin Rasbora) best betta fish tankmate

These sleek, torpedo-shaped beauties are like the Ferrari of the fish world. Harlequin Rasboras are swift, agile, and their striking appearance will turn your tank into a high-speed aquatic raceway. Your betta will love the company of these speed demons.

16- Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp
Amano Shrimp

Introducing the underwater janitors with a flair for fashion—Amano Shrimp! These stylish crustaceans not only keep your tank sparkling clean but also add a touch of elegance with their sleek, transparent bodies. It’s like having aquatic maids in tuxedos!

17- Celestial Pearl Danios

Celestial Pearl Danios
Celestial Pearl Danios

Meet the cosmic wonders of the aquarium world—Celestial Pearl Danios! With their celestial-like spots and shimmering scales, these tiny marvels bring a touch of the cosmos to your betta’s watery realm. It’s like having a galaxy in a tank!

18- Swordtails


Swordtails are the aquatic swordsmen, adding a touch of medieval charm to your tank. With their extended sword-like tails, they’re the knights in shining armor your betta never knew it needed. Prepare for a royal jousting tournament in your aquarium!

19- Cherry Shrimp

Cherry Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp

Enter the aquatic cherry blossoms—Cherry Shrimp! These tiny, vibrant companions bring a burst of color to your tank while diligently munching on algae. It’s like having a cherry blossom festival, but underwater and without the need for a kimono.

20- Pearl Gouramis

Pearl Gouramis
Pearl Gouramis

If your betta wants a touch of sophistication in its social circle, introduce the Pearl Gouramis. With their iridescent scales and graceful demeanor, these fish add a touch of aristocracy to your aquatic court. It’s like having underwater royalty as your betta’s BFF.

21- White Cloud Mountain Minnows

White Cloud Mountain Minnows
White Cloud Mountain Minnows

The snowflakes of the aquarium, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, bring a serene and peaceful atmosphere to your tank. Their subtle beauty and calm nature make them the perfect companions for a betta looking to unwind after a long day of fishy adventures.

22- African Dwarf Frogs

African Dwarf Frogs
African Dwarf Frogs

For an amphibious touch to your aquatic tableau, African Dwarf Frogs are the way to go. These little acrobats gracefully navigate the underwater stage, providing entertainment for your betta while adding a touch of the wild to your tank.

23- Gold Barb

Gold Barb
Gold Barb

Meet the aquatic disco ball—Gold Barbs! Their shimmering golden scales and lively behavior make them the life of the underwater party. Your betta will have a blast swimming alongside these golden dancers, turning your tank into a dazzling dance floor.

24- Killifish


Killifish are the daredevils of the aquarium, with their striking patterns and vibrant colors. It’s like adding a group of extreme sports enthusiasts to your betta’s aquatic Olympics. Get ready for some synchronized swimming and daring aquatic stunts!

25- Bamboo Shrimp

Bamboo Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp

Looking for a unique addition to your tank’s entourage? Bamboo Shrimp are the quirky, filter-feeding companions your betta never knew it needed. With their fan-like appendages and amusing filter-feeding antics, they add a touch of aquatic whimsy to your underwater world.

26- Clown Loaches

Clown Loaches
Clown Loaches

Enter the underwater circus with Clown Loaches! These playful, colorful companions bring a sense of humor to your tank. With their entertaining antics and vibrant patterns, they’re the class clowns your betta will love to have around.

27- Tiger Barbs

Tiger Barbs
Tiger Barbs

For a bit of aquatic drama and intrigue, introduce Tiger Barbs to your tank. With their bold stripes and feisty personalities, these fish add a touch of the wild side to your betta’s underwater realm. It’s like having tiny tigers in your aquatic jungle.

28- Rosy Barbs

Rosy Barbs
Rosy Barbs

Rosy Barbs are the romantic poets of the aquarium, with their rosy hues and graceful movements. These charming companions add a touch of romance to your betta’s underwater love story. Get ready for an aquatic sonnet that even Shakespeare would envy.

29- Rainbowfish


Bring a spectrum of colors to your tank with Rainbowfish! These vibrant swimmers add a dash of the rainbow to your betta’s underwater canvas. It’s like having a living, breathing watercolor masterpiece right in your living room.

30- Glass Catfish

Glass Catfish
Glass Catfish

The invisible magicians of the aquarium world, Glass Catfish, add a touch of mystery to your tank. With their translucent bodies, they practically disappear, creating an illusion that will leave your betta wondering if it’s swimming with ghosts. It’s like having the Houdinis of the aquatic world in your underwater extravaganza!


Now, imagine this underwater carnival, with everyone playing their part, creating a harmonious symphony of fins and scales. Of course, even in this aquatic utopia, it’s essential to keep an eye on the backstage drama. If someone’s hogging the spotlight a bit too much, you might need to play fishy referee and give them a time-out. Remember, a happy Betta is a Betta with awesome roommates. So, set the stage, let the show begin, and may your aquarium be the talk of the underwater town!

Additional Resources

For further readings about male and female betta fish you can explore given links:

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